Since 2014, a total of 6,000 lucky Year 6 students have taken part in the pioneering ‘Test the Water’ programme run by UKSA, the Cowes-based UK Sailing Academy – and this academic year (2021/22) another 1,269 children from 41 Island primary schools will get their chance to take part.

None of which would have been possible without the staunch UKSA supporters who have helped fund this valuable programme.

Every year, the charity helps to introduce more than 8,000 young people of all ages and abilities to the thrills of sailing.

“I had so much fun” said one 10 year-old participant, Scarlett.  “I even conquered my fear of open water thanks to the fantastic instructors. I found that the ocean isn’t as scary as it seems and learnt how to actually sail.”

To discover more about the support UKSA offers to young people on the Island, visit
