Two teams of Island business owners donned their football boots – some of them for the first time in many years – and played an entertaining charity football match at Brading FC.

The match had been the idea of Ellie Moore, owner of local company Workwear Island, who blew the kick-off whistle for what proved to be an eventful and goal-filled match between the Reds and the Whites.

After all the excitement, the final score was 6-4 to the White team, which was sponsored by Capital Jewellers and PC Consultants.

Rob Capital, who admitted to feeling a bit creaky after his outing on the pitch, said  “Many of us had not played in a long time but each team had three or four regular players, so it was a lively and enjoyable match”.

Playing in goal for the Reds was local MP Bob Seely, with the rest of the players representing a total of 40 Island businesses.

As well as the football there were family activities, including a disco, face-painting, bouncy castle and inflatable football games from the Football Fun Factory for children.

The event has so far raised almost £4,000 for the Mountbatten charity, and Rob says it was such a success that there are plans to make it an annual event, which leaves plenty of time for players to get in training for the next one!
