
Distribution of Island Life plays an important role towards its success.  It’s not just a case of having thousands of local readers picking up the magazine – we also carefully plan our distribution to ensure that it reaches the right target audience. Island Life is free to pick up, however we are extremely selective about where we place copies.

We have 18 years of experience distributing Island Life across the Island, we have established the best and most suitable outlets to reach the type of reader that Island Life magazine aims to attract.

Because we carefully monitor our distribution right down to the last copy, we are proud to say that we have never had returned copies of the magazine – which is great news for our advertisers!

Island Life magazine is distributed throughout the Isle of Wight via newsagents, selected major supermarkets, small businesses, pubs and restaurants, hairdressing and beauty salons, doctor and dentist surgeries, as well as a prime location close to Cowes Red Jet terminal.


Because we produce a great glossy lifestyle magazine, we love to promote local businesses. We realise that today’s challenging marketplace makes it more important than ever for businesses to budget wisely – but advertising remains one of those necessary expenditures.

While it’s sometimes difficult to monitor the precise effect of your advertising, we strive to be as fair as possible with advertisers and pride ourselves on offering real service and value for money. If you advertise within Island Life, you can be assured we will do all we can to promote your business by way of features and editorials. 

We understand that you may have a Facebook page and a website but where we can really help is informing NEW customers (not just friends or existing customers etc) to visit your Facebook page or website. The two work hand in hand and you get the best of both worlds.

Is our advertising affordable?

Yes, even for the smallest of businesses. While advertising in quality glossy magazines would normally be way out of reach for most small firms, that’s not the case with Island Life. We strive to promote micro enterprises and family concerns, and have developed pricing structures that are affordable on even the smallest of advertising budgets. In fact, advertising within Island Life can cost as little as £15.00 per week for a quarter page ad running for 4 issues.

Value for money

Advertising in Island Life represents real value for money. Why? Because it’s a glossy lifestyle magazine, your advertisement can be available to view on average for over a year, unlike newspaper or radio advertising. Newspapers tend to be thrown away 2-7 days after purchase, whereas glossy lifestyle titles like ours will tend to sit on readers’ coffee tables for many months. Readers will almost certainly pass on the magazines to friends and family once they have read it – and then there are all those public viewings in waiting room areas. So as advertising goes, ours proves to be great value for money. We also place the magazine on this website where every single issue can be viewed from the very first issue. Click here to view issues.

Website advertising

Advertising opportunities are available within our website in various forms, from homepage banners, targeted articles, category sponsorship and one day campaigns to promote on the day promotions. Please call us to discuss your requirements. We only allow local Island companies to advertise on this site.

To have a chat about marketing your business please call

01983 216111

Rate Card

We offer fantastic rates which is affordable for most businesses. We offer incentives for 4 issue bookings. For more details please call us on 01983 216111 and ask for Carina Farrer. We do not publish our rates on this website.


We have an in-house design studio which will design an advertisement to your exact requirements. There will be a small charge of £50 +VAT. Additional small changes to your advertisement are free of charge.


All artwork supplied must be supplied as a 300dpi TIFF, JPEG or High Res PDF, with a CMYK colour profile. We do not take any responsibility for artwork supplied by the customer.


All bookings will be invoiced on a 14 day invoice, so no money up front. A credit check will be carried out prior to insertion.
