With temperatures starting to dip and energy costs continuing to
climb, everyone’s looking for ways to cut back on the heating bills.

Major solutions might involve replacing draughty old windows and doors or increasing insulation in walls, roof and floors – but there are some much simpler hacks that can also help to significantly cut down the bills.

That old trick of pasting a sheet of aluminium foil behind radiators, for instance, really does work in stopping a lot of heat from disappearing through the wall, by reflecting it back into the room.

And on the subject of radiators, be sure to move any furniture that’s blocking the heat from getting into the room. Just moving the sofa away from a radiator will make the room warm up faster.

Check for any draughts that can be plugged easily – such as from letterboxes or catflaps, which can allow a lot of heat escape.  Use a wool blanket, an old towel or even a wad of bubblewrap to plug an animal door or letterbox.  A heavy door curtain can also solve the problem.

Trendy wood or tile floors might be the look of the moment, but in winter they can be notoriously cold on the feet, so it’s a good idea to invest in a extra cosy rug for the colder season.

Also, don’t under-estimate the effectiveness of the humble hot water bottle, which has seen something of a revival in recent years as a cheap and cheerful comforter not just to warm up chilly bedsheets but also on the sitting room sofa, teamed with a cosy plush throw.
