But this prolific artist, poet and designer of the Victorian period, who became known as the father of the Arts and Crafts movement, also coined the famous golden rule when it came to home-making:  “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”.

It’s a good rule for anyone of any age – and especially now after our decades of conspicuous consumption, when many homes are full of books we might read one day, clothes we might wear (or someday fit into) again, and gifts we have simply never used.

Such clutter really can become a problem, and not just to look at.  Anything we have around us that we don’t use or don’t enjoy looking at can quickly become a source of irritation or stress.

The change of season, when we’re putting away summer things and bringing out the woollies, is a good time to run a critical eye over our living space and investigate those packed cupboards and drawers. Anything that’s gathering dust – either because you don’t use it or never look at it, probably needs to go.

Done on a room-by-room basis, this kind or purge can be surprisingly therapeutic. As well as freeing up physical and mental space, moving items along can also bring in some extra cash if you decide to sell, or some good feelings if you opt to donate to charity.

When re-organising the things you want to keep. compartmentalising is key, so Invest in a few pretty baskets or storage boxes and enjoy creating a neat and tidy storage system that looks good as well as clearing your space.
