Cutting out some of the chemical nasties can be difficult when it comes to tough cleaning jobs around the house. Tackling grease and grime will often need more than just elbow grease.

But a look at the ingredients in some of those bottles and sprays lurking in the cupboard under the sink will often reveal some questionable stuff – so, what to do?

Well it seems that as always, grandma knew best. In the days when wonder products were not so readily available, our forebears would make use of natural substances like salt, bicarbonate of soda and lemon when it came to their cleaning routines.

And many of the current generation’s “Queens of Clean” are making names for themselves on social media simply by reviving these old housework methods.

Methods of cleaning

Take your smelly wooden chopping board for example: just cut a lemon in half and sprinkle some salt over the board. Then with the lemon facing downwards, scour the surface of the board, squeezing lightly to release the lemon juice as you go. Leave for about 15 minutes to give the lemon and salt time to work, then scrape away any lemon bits and rinse with warm water.

Or, to combat a smelly fridge, cut a lemon in half and place it inside, leave for about 30 minutes and it’ll be smelling fresh again

Create your own furniture polish with lemon juice by mixing two parts of olive oil to one part lemon juice and use on a clean cloth to polish wooden furniture.

Tackle limescale on taps and shower screens by spraying lemon juice on the area. Leave for about 15 minutes and then clean off.

Even the dreaded oven can be tackled without harsh, toxic-smelling chemicals.  Just fill an oven-safe baking dish with lemon juice and water, then bake for 30 minutes at high heat. Leave to cool, take the dish out and then easily wipe away any leftover grease or grime.
