David Grannum has a clear, green vision – for the Isle of Wight to be free of fossil fuels within 15 years.
The Managing Director of Solent Fuels says his company is helping rural communities and businesses to transition from a dependence on fossil fuels to greener sustainable alternatives, by offering and distributing renewable fuels.
From its fuel storage depot located just outside Newport, the company delivers domestic heating oil and commercial and agricultural fuels to customers across the Island.
It opened for business two years ago, following the closure of Isle of Wight Fuels.
David who previously worked alongside his father at Vectis Oils, has almost 30 years specialised knowledge of the Island’s supply, local storage and distribution of fuels. At Solent Fuels he’s managed to achieve significantly reduced overheads and lower distribution costs to ensure the company can offer competitively priced fuel products.
Green Bio Fuels offer Green D+ HVO, a fossil-free and sustainable fuel option for heating oil and diesel. Solent Fuels will soon deliver HVO in bulk throughout the Island. Green D+ HVO can power all vehicles, machinery, and boats without changing their engines, it has unbeatable performance, fuel efficiency and reliability.
Solent Fuels understands the importance of looking after its customers and has a locally-based family-friendly team available for customer help and advice, from 8am – 6pm, six days a week on 01983 654321. Visit the website at www.solentfuels.co.uk.